소암 기술홍보 소책자-09 철도레일 및 노반 안전 관리 방안 > 소책자

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소암 기술홍보 소책자-09 철도레일 및 노반 안전 관리 방안

페이지 정보

작성자 웹관리자
댓글 0건 조회 2,020회 작성일 22-03-21 16:33



2016년 12월 재작성

총 쪽수 22

발행처 ()소암컨설턴트


자세한 내용은 상단의 pdf파일을 다운로드 하십시오!



SYNOPSIS : Brillouin backscatter is a type of reflection that occurs when light is shone into an optical fibre. Brillouin reflections are very sensitive to changes in the fibre arising from external effects, such as temperature, strain and pressure. We report here several case studies on the measurement of strain using Brillouin reflections.

A mechanical bending test of an I beam, deployed with both fiber optic sensors and conventional strain gauge rosettes, was performed with the aim of evaluating: (1) the capability and technical limit of the DTSS technology for strain profile sensing; (2) the reliability of strain measurement using fiber optic sensor. The average values of strains obtained from both DTSS and strain gauges (corresponding to the deflection of I beam) showed a linear relationship and an excellent one-to-one match.

A practical application of DTSS technology as an early warning system for land sliding or subsidence was examined through a field test at a hillside. Extremely strong, lightweight, rugged, survivable tight-buffered cables, designed for optimal strain transfer to the fibre, were used and clamped on the subsurface at a depth of about 50cm. It was proved that DTSS measurements could detect the exact position and the progress of strain changes induced by land sliding and subsidence.

We also carried out the first ever distributed dynamic strain measurement (10Hz) on the Korean Train eXpress(KTX) railway track in Daejeon, Korea. The aim was to analyse the integrity of a section of track that had recently been repaired. The Sensornet DTSS was used to monitor this 85m section of track while a KTX train passed over. In the repaired section the strain increases to levels of 90 microstrain, whereas in the section of regular track the strain is in the region of 30-50 microstrain. The results were excellent since they demonstrate that the DTSS is able to measure small, dynamic changes in strain in rails during normal operating conditions. The current 10km range of the DTSS creates a potential to monitor the integrity of large lengths of track, and especially higher risk sections such as bridges, repaired track and areas at risk of subsidence.


Keywords :optic fiber, Distributed Temperature and Strain Sensing

(DTSS), slope sliding monitoring, land subsidence monitoring,

rail strain monitoring







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Total 30건 4 페이지






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사이트 정보

회사명 : (주)소암컨설턴트/ 대표 : 김중열
주소 : 대전광역시 유성구 테크노5로 43-15
구지번주소 : 대전광역시 유성구 관평동 760
전화 : 042-863-2830 팩스 : 042-863-2834
개인정보관리책임자 : 웹관리자


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